
Happy Birthday Little Sis!!!

IMG_5674, originally uploaded by beckeyz.

Today is my little sister's birthday. My mom had seven kids and I was number six, so she is the ONLY little sister I have. She is the epitome of awesomeness. She excells at everything she does (tended to make me look bad as a kid, but I got over it) and is just a neat, fun person to be around. My kids love her to death and so do I for that matter.

Things that are cool about her?

* Well, first of all, she's my sister, duh!
* She also married a man who's last name starts with a "Z"
* She gets saluted when she goes on base and shows her id....I laugh, because I don't have to salute her....LOL
* She loves my kids
* She can take a joke
* She can keep a secret
* She "gets" me.....at least she does a good job of acting like she does.

Happy Birthday Laura!!!

We'll have to go out to dinner when you get home.


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